What is your church’s “idea”?

14 04 2009

Saw and stole this from Ben Arment’s blog.

“You can’t take a mediocre idea and make it viral. There’s not enough marketing savvy in the world to help a bad idea work.

Stretch with me on this… think of your new church as an idea for the community. Don’t think about the mission and theology for a minute, yadda, yadda, yadda. Just focus on ~ the idea ~ of your church.

Is it a good idea for the community… or a bad idea?

How do you know? Ask yourself… is the idea spreading?

And if it’s not, you may not have a marketing problem. You may have an idea problem. Maybe your church’s purpose is not distinguishable enough. Maybe you’re not meeting a need in the community. Maybe you’re answering questions nobody’s asking.”